THERAP-TILIA, spol. s r.o.

About clinic

Clinical department of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, CTU in Prague, is one of the largest ambulatory rehabilitation workplaces in Prague. At present, individual departments at 11 locations in Prague are ready to provide comprehensive rehabilitation and physiotherapy care. As a faculty workplace providing clinical practice for university students in the "Physiotherapy" program, it provides care in harmony with the latest scientific knowledge.

Specialized workplace

Each department has its "flagship" in its spectrum of healing methods. Above all, it is non-invasive laser therapy. THERAP-TILIA has therapeutic lasers, which are few in the Czech Republic and which bring significant advances to phototherapy. Practically at all workplaces there is peat with the same healing effect as the one we go to the spa. Combined with manual therapy, hydrotherapy and magnetotherapy, the patient brings considerable relief and a quick return to healthy living. Other methods that can not boast of any workplace are instrumental treatment of lymphatic edema or distant magnetotherapy.

THERAP-TILIE specialists have achieved outstanding results, which are recognized abroad, in the rehabilitation of jaw joint problems, carpal tunnels or tennis elbows. However, this does not mean that you do not feel significant relief even in the back pain or you do not get quality care after an accident. We also have experience with treating patients who are dependent on a wheelchair.


Švehlova 1900/3 Praha-Záběhlice 106 00

+420 736 766 456    

Published: 16. 11. 2017

Category: Prague | Private clinics | Rehab clinics