RHG, spol. s r.o.

Article content:
  1. About us
  2. History

About us

In the company RHG spol. s r.o. Since 1994 we have been engaged in the operation of medical facilities. In the hospitals in Roztoky and Kralupy nad Vltavou, we mainly focus on providing long-term nursing care. At the same time we provide a wide range of outpatient care.


The area in which RHG spol. s r.o. develops its business can not be compared to any other industry. Healthcare has its own specifics not only in the economy of operation, but above all by its different ethical dimension and responsibility. Patient health and satisfaction always comes first. The aim of RHG spol. s r.o. is to provide quality care in a pleasant environment and to provide this care in the most effective way with regard to the possibilities of the system, which is financed in the Czech Republic. RHG spol. s r.o. was founded in 1994 by PhDr. Vladimír Matoušek and Jindřich Větrovský for the purpose. In the early years she operated three ambulances and home nursing care in Prague and worked intensively on the preparation of the project of running the Municipal Hospital in Roztoky. On August 1, 1996, the company took over the hospital lease for 20 years, with the operation of the company RHG spol. s r.o. without the right to operating subsidies, which at that time amounted to CZK 3.5 million per year. At the time of taking over the hospital, both partners had already had experience of working in the health care sector and immediately started work on streamlining hospital operations. By re-evaluating supplier-customer relations and restructuring of operations, an effective model was gradually found.
Mostní 934 Kralupy nad Vltavou 278 01 +420 315 704 411 http://www.rhg.cz/

Published: 20. 11. 2017

Category: Central Bohemian | Private clinics | Rehab clinics